These designer babies that we hear about are all something that people have been doing. People say its a way to "change the genes or characteristics" of someone. This all comes from the rapidly advancement of technology and genetics which has allowed for this to happen. There have been many questions to how human genetics can be altered. One big question is what will be the impact on human genetics on society.
To do this will have to fertilize the eggs and sperms where they are in a test tube in a laboratory. Some people do this in order to choose the gender of the child, to choose what features they have and to help protect them against illness. Many people do it that way they have the perfect child, but the should know if it is safe or not. Other people do this in order to protect their children against any diseases.
Many people do not do this since it goes against what creating a baby stands for. Parents are never known for creating their own babies since they would like to see them grow into their own person. There are rarely any parents that would create their own baby. This is also something that doesn't happen very often. When parents do this they should know of how dangerous that this operation could be to the health of the parents and as well as the child.
There is another option that some parents have considered besides doing the operation. That option is cloning. Cloning is where they take the DNA of someone and create someone identical to that person. The only difference between the real person and the clone is that they would have a different personality. This is the only thing that will help you tell the different. Many people who do have clones for children could grow more attached to it, then their own son/daughter that wasn't.
In the society we live in today, we somewhat know that our parents do control some parts of our lives. They tell us what we should, become our make us go to certain schools, you could say that they are always controlling our lives. As children we should always try to do things on our own and make sure it goes to something good. This is our life where we must take control of it and where we must show people how we can make the smarter decisions.